SharePoint 2010

September 20, 2017

Enabling multiple Document Set views

 This article describes the view constraint you get out of the box with a Document Set in SharePoint. How we can enable multiple views to empower […]
April 28, 2016

Disable Loopback check – UPA Picture Sync Error

Although I have disabled the loopback check on other SharePoint farms, in this case I forgot to do it. The problem surfaced in the User Profile […]
February 28, 2016

PowerShell for every List in each Web of a SiteCollection

Use the below if needing to target each Web or List in a Site Collection
February 10, 2016

Adding a column to a Content Type (CT) at a library level with PowerShell.

The reason you might want to do this is you may have a Choice column with different choice data in it in each library, but the […]
February 4, 2016

Adding a ContentType to each Library with PowerShell

I needed to add the custom Content Type (CT) “RDC_Link to Document” to all Libraries of sub-sites of a particular site. My CT has already been […]
February 3, 2016

Creating a view for each Document Library in a Site Collection

In this post, I will show you how to create a view for each Document Library or List in a Site Collection or sub-sites of a […]
September 17, 2013

Remove Drop Off Library and fix up the QuickLaunch in SharePoint 2010

While provisioning a new Service App in SharePoint 2010 the other day I hit the ‘Enable Features’ button which inevitably enabled all SharePoint Server Standard Features […]
July 31, 2013

Remote PowerShell with SharePoint 2010 Kerberos

I have a SharePoint 2010 environment set-up with Kerberos authentication, which works well, however I wanted to enable PowerShell Remoting to perform some tasks from another […]
June 25, 2013

Deploying SharePoint 2010 Solutions with Powershell

Running SharePoint 2010 Management Console. To install a solution we use the Add-SPSolution command.  If you are using a Sandboxed solution you would use Add-SPUserSolution instead. […]